Art as a tool to empower, heal and transcend.
adjective /ˈfɪələs/ /ˈfɪrləs/ (approving)
not afraid, in a way that people admire
She was fearless and full of energy.
This is oft how I am described as being, a fearless performer.
Of course, I am not without fear. Believe me, I have plenty of them. I simply have a compulsion to continually take myself to that edge and step right over it. Dive right in.
For I have learned that it is there, in the places that scare me, that I become more fully alive. My essence shines free.
I discover what it is to trust, and I learn how to fly.
With this love of living on the edge, Jazz has been the natural genre for me to immerse in and develop my sense of musicality.
I have built my foundation riding on the waves of free improvisation and co-creation, making music in the moment, going wherever the wind blows me.
This constant invitation for innovation is something I find so utterly compelling, and it has ultimately led me to devise new ways in which to invite others to join me in this realm.
“Susannah is a vibrant and daring creative spirit. She’s also an exceptional listener and enthusiastic champion for others ready to step into fuller, more creative, and authentic versions of themselves.”